Academic Positions
Mentor, Seattle Pacific University MFA Program, 2005-present
Professor of English, University of Delaware, 1988‑2016
Associate Professor of English, University of Delaware, 1982‑87
Assistant Professor of English, University of Delaware, 1975‑1981
Lecturer, Haverford College, Haverford, PA. 1974-1981
Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, l974
M.A. Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, l969
B.A. Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, l966
Bread Loaf School of English, Summer, 1965, Atlantic Monthly Scholar
Helping the Morning: New and Selected Poems, Word Farm Press, La Porte, Indiana, 2014.
New Tracks, Night Falling, Wm. B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2009.
A Deed to the Light, University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, 2004.
Gaining Time, Copper Beech Press, Providence, Rhode Island, l998.
Stranger Than Fiction, QRL, Princeton, New Jersey, 1992. Winner, Quarterly Review of Literature Award.
Coming into History, Cleveland State University Press, Cleveland, Ohio, l990. Winner, Cleveland State Poetry Center Competition.
Fugitive Angels, Dragon Gate Press, Port Townsend, WA, l985. Publication supported by NEA Grant. Selected by NEA as U.S.A. entry in International Book Fair, l986.
Nailing Up the Home Sweet Home, Cleveland State University Press, Cleveland, OH, 1980. Finalist: Yale Series of Younger Poets Award, Walt Whitman Award. Winner, Associated Writing Programs Award.
The Geography of Memory: A Pilgrimage through Alzheimer’s, Center Street, an imprint of Hachette Press, New York, 2013.
Shadow and Light: Literature and the Life of Faith, 3rd Edition, Ed. Darryl Tippens and Jeanne Murray Walker, ACU Press, Abilene, Texas, 2013. This anthology contains poetry, fiction, drama, and non-fiction prose written between 1300 and 2011. Review in Image Update, January 2, 2006. “Shadow and Light is now the stand-out, single-volume faith and literature text.”
Ambition: Essays by Members of the Chrysostom Society, Edited, Luci Shaw and Jeanne Murray Walker, Cascade Books, Eugene, Oregon, 2014.
“The Queen, the Earl, and the Waiting Woman,” CITA Anthology, 2009.
“Inventing Montana,” Woodstock, Illinois: Dramatic Publishing Company, 2002.
“Tales from The Daily Tabloid,” Woodstock, Illinois: Dramatic Publishing Company, 2002.
The Alexander Street Press published Jeanne’s scripts in North American Women’s Drama, which contains the work of what the Press considers the most important women playwrights in English. This is an online scholarly reference tool available through university and college libraries across the U.S. and Canada. The Press features three of Jeanne’s scripts: “Stories from The National Enquirer,” “Inventing Montana,” and “Rowing into Light On Lake Adley.” 2004.
Poetry, Shenandoah, Prairie Schooner, Georgia Review, Atlantic Monthly, Partisan Review, Boulevard, Kenyon Review, American Poetry Review, American Scholar, Carolina Quarterly, New England Review, Massachusetts Review, Arizona Quarterly, Ariel, Poetry Miscellany, Jawbone, Ball State University Forum, Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Southern Humanities Review, Louisville Review, The Lyric, Milkweed Chronicle, Descant, The Fiddlehead, Nantucket Review, Wascona Review, Poetry Now, St. Andrews Review, Pennsylvania Review, Kansas Quarterly, Iris, Seattle Review, Radix, Painted Bride Quarterly, Feminist Studies, Whetstone, Northwest Review, West Branch, Midwest Quarterly, Mind The Gap, Yarrow, Image, First Things, The Nation, The Eternal Present, Mars Hill Review, The Aurelian, The Gettysburg Review, Rattapallax, Rock and Sling, Commonweal, Spirituality and Health, Windhover, One Trick Pony, Notre Dame Review, The Cortland Review (on line), Ruah, The Southern Review, The Delaware Poetry Review, Crux, The C.S. Lewis Chronicle, The Auralian (on line), Verse Daily (on line), Christianity and Literature, Kaleidowhirl, (on-line), Relief, Weavings, Sojourners, Vineyard, The Rosenbach Museum, Sou’Wester, Books & Culture, BigCityLit (on line), Reflections: Yale Divinity School, Kaleidowhirl, Literature and Belief, The Christian Century, Hudson Review, Solo Café, Peregrine, Enskyment (on line), Mars Hill Audio, The Journal, Midwest Quarterly 50th Anniversary Volume, Blackbird, ARTS, Spiritus.
“Sparrows at Zero,” “What the Trees Say,” “Imagination,” and “Praying for Rain in Santa Fe,” illustrated by Ed Colker, (Haybarn Editions) whose art has been collected by these among many others: Philadelphia Museum of Art, MoMA, and The Modern Art Museum-Fort Worth.
To Make A Poem (Longmans); Mother To Daughter, Daughter To Mother (The Feminist Press); The Iowa Review Collection Of Contemporary Women Writers (Macmillan); Country Of The Risen King (Baker House); Sightseers Into Pilgrims (Tyndale House); Waltzing On Water (Dell); Sutured Words: An Anthology of Poetry About Medicine (Aviva Press); An Anthology of Villanelles (University of Idaho Press); The Poetry Magazine (WXPN Radio, Philadelphia); Light Year, l986 and l987 (Bits Press); The Voice Of America; Anthology of Magazine Verse & Yearbook of American Poetry; Passages North Anthology; Western Wind: An Introduction To Poetry, Ed. John Frederick Nims (McGraw Hill); Poetry’s 75th Anniversary Issue: The Poetry Anthology 1912-2002 (Ivan R. Dee); Birth: An Anthology of Literature about Birth (University of Iowa Press); The Eternal Present, Ed. Andrea Miller (Crossroad Publishing); Prairie Schooner: 75th Anniversary Issue; Strongly Spent: 50 Years Of Shenandoah Poetry; 26 Letters, 26 Poets: An Anthology of Poems Commissioned in Celebration of The Rosenbach Museum; A Fine Frenzy: Contemporary Poets Respond to Shakespeare (University of Iowa Press), Commonwealth: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania, Shadow and Light: Literature and the Life of Faith (Abilene Christian University Press), Bearing the Mystery: Twenty Years of Image (Wipf and Stock), Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing, Thinking (Macmillan), The Open Door: 100 Poems, 100 Years of Poetry magazine (The University of Chicago Press), and others.
“Sudden Fever,” Redbook, June, l989. Read at “Writing Aloud,” Interact Theatre,
Philadelphia’s reading space for short fiction, carried by WHYY radio.
“Failing Latin,” Whetstone, Fall, 1989.
“Three Women,” Southern Humanities Review, Winter, l99l.
“The Graduation,” The Southern Review,” Spring, l993.
“Take Down the Sun and Use It,” The George Nixon Memorial Lecture delivered at Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, Texas, reprinted in Windhover, Vol. 14, January, 2010, pp. 66-74.
“Saving Images,” (reprinted) Bearing the Mystery: Twenty Years of Image, Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2009, pp 350-360.
“The Steep and Exhilarating Mountains of Playwriting,” A Syllable of Water, Ed. Emilie Griffin, Brewster, Mass.: Paraclete, 2008, pp. 129-141.
“The Genius of Doing What You Like,” Essay in Festschrift Volume for Clyde Kilby, The Buswell Memorial Library, Special Collections, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois.
“Breaking the Illusions: What Playwrights Owe to Actors,” Image, No. 45, pp. 79-90,
“A Comment on the State of the Art: Poetry in 2004,” Christianity and Literature, Vol. 54, No. 1, Fall, 2005, pp. 93-110.
“Poetry as A Bridge to Romania,” Christianity and Literature, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 111-116.
“Watching Ted Kooser Hand Over Nebraska,” in Midwest Quarterly, Summer, 2005, pp. 426-430.
“Giving Up Jerusalem: An Open Letter to my Fundamentalist People,” Image, Number 40, pp. 63-75.
“Alice Munro: A Quiet Grace,” More than Words: Contemporary Writers on the Books That Shaped Them, Ed. James Schaap, Baker Book House, 2002. Commissioned. Publication in Korean, 2004; Chinese, 2006; Portugese, 2008.
“Writing as a Subversive Activity,” The Cresset, Spring 2002. Commissioned.
“Saving Images,” Image, Number 30, Spring 2001, pp. 97-106.
“On Poets and Poetry” The Christian Imagination: Essays on Literature and Writing, Ed. Leland Ryken (Wheaton: Harold Shaw, Wheaton Literary Series, 2001). Commissioned.
“Speaking of Metaphor,” The Journalist’s Craft, Edited by Dennis Jackson and John Taylor, New York: Allworth Press, 2001, pp. 167-182. Commissioned.
“High Fantasy, Rites of Passage, and Cultural Value,” MLA Volume Options in Teaching Children’s Literature, Ed. Glenn Saddler, New York: Modern Language Association, 1992; Reprinted in Lilith in A New Light: Essays on George MacDonald, Ed., Lucas Harriman, New York: McFarland, 2008.
“Reciprocity and Exchange in Samuel Delany’s Nova,” Extrapolation, Vol. 23, No. 3, Fall, 1982, pp. 221-234. Reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism, Ed. Daniel G. Marowsky (Detroit: Gale Research Co.), 1988.
“Memory and Culture Within the Individual: The Breakdown of Social Exchange in Memoirs of a Survivor,” Doris Lessing at MLA: Archives, Ed. Ellen Rose, l986 (Winner of NEMLA Award for Best Critical Volume, 1987).
“Myth, Exchange, and History in The Left Hand of Darkness,” Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 6, No. 18, part 2, July, 1979, pp. 180-189. Reprinted in Ursula LeGuin, ed. Harold Bloom (New York: Chelsea House), 1986, pp. 182-193.
“Teaching Children Social Exchange Systems: Survival of the Fittest in Alexei Panshin’s Rite of Passage,” Extrapolation, Vol. 27, No. 1, Spring, 1986, pp. 19-32.
“A Lion, A Witch and A Wardrobe as Rite of Passage,” Children’s Literature in Education, Vol. 16, No. 3, Spring, 1985, pp. 177-188.
“Exchange Short-Circuited: The Isolated Scientist in H. G. Wells’ The Invisible Man,” in Journal of Narrative Technique, Vol. 15, No. 2, Spring, 1985, pp. 156-168.
“The Demoness and the Grail: Deciphering George MacDonald’s Lilith,” in The Scope of the Fantastic,” Ed. Robert Collins and Howard D. Pearce (London, England: Greenwood Press), 1985, pp. 179-190.
“Reciprocity and Exchange in A Canticle for Leibowitz,” Renascence, Vol. 33, No. 2, Winter, 1981, pp. 67-85.
“Reciprocity and Exchange in William Golding’s The Inheritors,” Science-Fiction Studies, Vol. 8, Part 3, November 1981, pp. 297-310.
“Rites of Passage Today: The Cultural Significance of A Wizard of Earthsea,” Mosaic, Vol. 13, No. 3. Winter, 1980, pp. 170-191.
“Saving Images in Spenser’s Faerie Queene,” Essays in Literature, Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall, 1980, pp. 153-165.
“Robert Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land: Utopian Social Exchange Created by a Secular God-Man,” Journal of Popular Culture, Vol 3, No. 1, pp. 70-89.
“Finding a Happy Medium: Form in the Poetry of Chad Walsh,” For The Time Being, Vol. 4, no. 2, 1979, pp. 1-25.
“The Art of Memory and the Maleger Episode: Spenser’s Faerie Queene II, xi.” In Spenser at Kalamazoo, at Ed. David Richardson, The Spenser Society, Summer, 1978, pp. 16-32.
“Science Fiction: A Commentary on Itself as Lies,” Modern Language Studies, Vol. 8, No. 3, Fall, 1978, pp. 29-38.
“Totalitarian and Liminal Societies in Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We,” Mosaic, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 113-128.
“Jubilate Agno as Song,” Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, Vol. 20, No. 3, 1977, pp. 449-460.
“Encounters: East Meets West,” in development for a year with The PTTP’s director, Sanford Robbins and violinist Xiang Gao.
“The Tillie Project,” A Play in Two Acts. Commissioned and developed by The Centenary Stage, Hackettstown, New Jersey.
“The Queen’s 2 Bodies,” A Play in Two Acts. Finalist, Eugene O’Neill Competition, 2001; Winner, CITA Competition, 2000.
“Inventing Montana,” A Play in Two Acts. Winner, William and Arlene Lewis Playwriting Contest, Brigham Young University, l994. Finalist, New Harmony Workshop, l996.
“Rowing into Light On Lake Adley,” A Play in Two Acts. Winner, Stage Time Award, Minneapolis Playwright’s Center, l996. Winner, Washington National Theatre Competition, l995. Winner, William and Arlene Lewis Playwriting Contest, Brigham Young University, l994. Winner, The Virginia Duvall Mann Award (Charlotte Repertory Theatre New Plays in America Festival Competition), l994.
“The Chosen Daughter,” A Play in Two Acts. Commissioned and Produced by Wheaton College Theatre Department.
“Stories from The National Enquirer,” A Play in Two Acts. Winner, l990 Washington D.C. Theater Festival Competition.
Developed, wrote, and hosted an hour-long documentary on poetry in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This was taped live with an audience. Rebroadcast in a series called “Humanities Live,” on WHYY television, radio and webcast, repeatedly during 2007-2009.
“Et habitabit cum eis” (And He Shall Dwell With Them), lyrics for a choral piece with music by Michael Capps, performed November 8, 2014 by Seattle Pro Musica, Karen P. Thomas Director.
- Pew Fellow in Poetry, 1998 [$50,000 Stipend]
- National Endowment for The Arts Fellowship, l994
- Pennsylvania Council On the Arts Fellow, ’84,’87,’89,’91,’94, ’01, ’04, 07 (Fellowships discontinued in 2008)
- General University Research Fellow, ’75, ’80,’83,’86,’91,’96, 2000, 2006, 2013
- Fellow, University of Delaware Center for Advanced Study, l993 (Research year)
- Delaware State Arts Council Fellowship, l982
- Delaware Humanities Forum Grant, l985
- Teaching Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, 1972-73
- Atlantic Monthly Fellowships (for Poetry and for Fiction), Bread Loaf School of English, l965
- “Holding Action” selected for inclusion in Best American Poetry, 2009.
- Twelve nominations for the Pushcart Prize in Poetry.
- Named Commonwealth Speaker, Pennsylania Humanities Council, 2004-2009.
- Glenna Luschei Prairie Schooner Prize for Poetry, 2007, $1,500.
University of Delaware/ Courses Taught
Introduction to Poetry, Introduction to Drama, Script Writing, Poetry Writing, Advanced Poetry Writing (Undergraduate and Graduate Level), Contemporary Drama (Graduate Level), English Education, Shakespeare, Modern and Contemporary Poetry (Graduate Level), British Culture and Institutions, British Theatre, Texts and Contexts in Writing, Finding Our Ancestors (ENGL367 cross-listed with WOS), Special Problems in Poetry, The Literature of Spiritual Questing, Drama into Theatre, Shakespeare in Performance, Shakespeare’s Comedies and Romances, Shakespeare and Stoppard, Revision, Making the Play, Poets Alive, Murder Mysteries, Introduction to Creative Writing, Spenser Honors Seminar, The Age of Sidney and Spenser, Classical and Biblical Literature, Women’s Poetry, Ekphrastic Poetry
Seattle Pacific University/Poetry Mentor: Working with 4-5 Masters of Fine Arts students in Seattle Pacific University’s Low Residency MFA Program. Every month I respond to individual student packets which consist of poems they have written and 5 annotations on poetry collections they have read. The entire Program (poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction) gathers for 2 10-day residencies per year. At each residency I meet with my students individually twice, give craft lectures, run poetry workshops, do a reading, and help to host guest writers.
Hofstra University: Fall 2014, 2015, Lecturer in Bioethics teaching narrative medicine. I co-taught with a medical doctor and a lawyer a certificate course for doctors, chaplains, nurses, lawyers, heads of ICU’s. My role was to increase their understanding of narrative and develop their ability to work with metaphor—which patients often employ in telling their stories.
Examiner in Poetry for Honors Degrees at Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA, 2000-2004.
Panelist to judge entries for the Arlen G. Meyer Literary Prize for the Lily Fellows Program in the Humanities and the Arts, December, 2005.
Consultant for Paraclete Press. Guest-edited (with Lil Copan) volumes of poems by the poets Paul Mariani, Robert Siegel, Scott Cairns, and translations of Anna Kamienska from Polish. 2004-2007.
Taught by invitation a week-long workshop in Poetry, Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2004, 2006, 2008.
Taught by invitation week-long Workshops in Script Writing and/or Poetry, The Glen Workshops, Santa Fe, New Mexico, summers, 1995-2006.
Judged numerous college, university and journal poetry competitions, including The University of Pennsylvania, Icarus, Kansas Newman University, Houghton College, Delaware Writers at the Beach Poetry Competition, Ruminate Poetry Competition, The University of Wisconsin, Academy of American Poets Prize, New Jersey Poet Laureate Prize, Caesura magazine, Ruminate Magazine Poetry Prize, and others.
Served as Panelist to select New Jersey poets for Poets in the Schools, New Jersey Arts Council.
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