A video interview will be posted here soon. Meanwhile, take a look at these audio and print interviews:
“The Role of Poetry in Aging,” Radio Interview with Rabbi Richard Address, Boomer Generation Radio. http://jewishsacredaging.com/?s=Jeanne+Murray+Walker
“New Poetry of Jeanne Murray Walker,” Interview with Jeanne on “Keepin’ the Faith” with Steve Shoemaker, WILL AM Radio 580, NPR, Illinois Public Media. http://will.illinois.edu/search/results?q=Jeanne%20Murray%20Walker
“A Spiritual Journey: How My Mind Has Changed,” Interview with Jeanne on “Keepin’ the Faith” with Steve Shoemaker, WILL AM Radio 580, NPR, Illinois Public Media. http://will.illinois.edu/search/results?q=Jeanne%20Murray%20Walker
“The Geography of Memory: A Pilgrimage through Alzheimer’s,” Interview with Jeanne on “Keepin’ the Faith” with Steve Shoemaker, WILL AM Radio 580, NPR, Illinois Public Media. http://will.illinois.edu/search/results?q=Jeanne%20Murray%20Walker
“Food and the Spirit,” Interview with Jeanne and Leslie Leyland Fields on “Keepin’ the Faith” with Steve Shoemaker, WILL AM Radio 580, NPR, Illinois Public Media. http://will.illinois.edu/search/results?q=Jeanne%20Murray%20Walker
Interview by Luci Shaw for Image journal: “A Conversation with Jeanne Murray Walker.” https://imagejournal.org/article/conversation-jeanne-murray-walker/

“Explorations of the Ordinary,” Interview with Roger Morris, Signature, Winter, 2007, pp. 72-73.
Jeanne Murray Walker, for Poetry magazine, reading her poetry online and archived. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/search?q=Jeanne+Murray+Walker
Cresset, with biography and artistic statement, archived. http://thecresset.org/search2.html?q=Jeanne%20Murray%20Walker
Verse Daily (online) June 9, 2004 and December 11, 2003, archived. http://www.versedaily.org/archives.shtml
Wheaton, with poem and statement, Volume 3, No 4, p. 48.
Notre Dame Review website, “The Scarf,” including a brief biography, a note about the poem’s composition, and a brief essay. http://ndreview.nd.edu/search/?as_sitesearch=ndreview.nd.edu&q=Jeanne+Murray++Walker